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Living the Life: Mobile Chicken Hutch and Greenhouse Update: Photo Essay - May 6th 2015

GUEST POST by Shaen Cooper

1. Example of heavily mulched area in back of the mobile greenhouse. Heavy mulching reduces how much watering is required.

2. Here's an example of how the the mobile chicken hutch can kill couch-grass in just a few days. On the right is an area worked by the mobile chicken hutch. On the left is an area before the chickens have had a change to scratch and dig.

3. Here are the chickens in the mobile chicken hutch. Note the fresh grass. Everyday we feed the chickens fresh grass from a cover-crop in the greenhouse.

4. Here's a picture of the greenhouse. In the front of the greenhouse is a cover-crop of wheat, oats and barley. This grass -- roots and all -- are fed to the chickens. When we are ready to plant the area, we mulch directly on top of the cover-crop and plant into the mulch.

5. This is the cold frame just in back of the greenhouse. We have been getting production of greens for over three weeks.

The last frost date in Kamloops is May 1-10th. Many experienced gardeners do not plant outside until the Victoria Day weekend. Greenhouses and cold frames can really push the length of the growing season.

SOS TIP: Watch for the annual GO BOX Storage Online Garage Sale. Starting next week!